지난 10 년간 “중국 수공예품전"에 출품한 수공예가, 디자이너, 민속 예술사, 문화 및 문화 및 문화 여행 실무자 및 공예 브랜드 소유자 그룹을 대상으로 1.디자인 재구성, 2.브랜드 개발,3.민속민예 부흥, 4.문화 및 문화 관광의 네 가지 부문으로 나누어 작업내용과 수공예품의 변화를 살펴보며 문화유산, 수공예 및 전통문화의 미래를 탐구하고자 한다.

Chinese craftsmanship in the past ten years
Chinese craftsmanship in the past ten years

1.Design and Reengineering

1.1. 朱小杰(Zhu Xiaojie),who prides himself as an ordinary "craftsman", is actually an artist with modern design consciousness.  From architecture, woodwork, to ceramics and metal, he tried to break the barriers of materials. In perseverance and crossover, he used the Chinese design language to reshape the feelings of "craftsman" and "person" in traditional handicrafts.

Chinese craftsmanship in the past ten years
Chinese craftsmanship in the past ten years

朱哲琴(Zhu Zheqin )has many tags: singer, artist, producer. 
In recent years, her work and creation have also been heavily involved in design, media, public, community and other fields. 
From "seeing the world" to "seeing creation", she spent 10 years cultivating genes for Chinese original designs.

Chinese craftsmanship in the past ten years
Chinese craftsmanship in the past ten years


저작권자 © 아트코리아방송 무단전재 및 재배포 금지