[아트코리아방송 = 김한정 기자] 인사동에 위치한 갤러리 라메르에서는 2019. 10. 2(수) ~ 2019. 10. 7(월)까지 제33회 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전이 열릴 예정이다.

제33회 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전

Comment for 2019 KPAA Exhibition:

As President of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS) I wish to congratulate the Korean Pastel artist Association on the opening of their annual exhibition and convey a message of welcome as a member in good standing of IAPS.

제33회 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전

KPAA’s mission to broaden horizons through the exchange of skills, techniques, and friendship with the international pastel community is at the core of what IAPS does. Due to the efforts of KPAA President, Anseok CHO, in collaboration with Mungyo Kyojai, the awareness of pastel within the Korea artistic community continues to expand and Korean pastelists are being warmly welcomed as part of the global pastel community.

제33회 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전

My personal involvement with pastel began in the early 1970s and since that time I have had the pleasure of seeing it expand across the globe. IAPS now supports member societies from the United States, Australia, France, Pakistan, Russia, Turkey, China, Korea and many other countries. While language and cultural differences may limit our abilities to communicate freely, the visual beauty of pastel links us in the shared mission of placing pastel in the hands of future generations.

제33회 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전

A stick of pastel has the ability to release an individual artists creative potential and when they share their creations with the world, through exhibitions such as the KPAA Exhibition, it has the ability to change lives. I applaud all involved in hosting the exhibition and celebrate the creative diversity of those exhibiting.




Richard G. McKinley, PSA-MP & HFH, PSWC-DP & PL

President, International Association of Pastel Societies

2019년 10월

국제파스텔화협회 회장 Richard McKinley


제33회 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전

I am truly honored to be invited by Professor Anseok Cho, the President of Korean Pastel Artists Association to participate in this 2019 annual exhibition.The invitation to exhibit is like a dream comes true as I have always been fascinated by the Korean culture since childhood. The impression owed largely to my father's sharing of his visit to Seoul and the beautiful photos from the trip.

제33회 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전

Later, Korea has become my own breakaway holiday destination, breathtaking scenic spots, beautiful artworks in the galleries, food and absorbing the unique inspiration from the Korean cultural relics. I have also discovered the colorful Mungyo pastels which adding the joy of painting and a privilege knowing KPAA. Korea to me is all about art. Being able to introduce the KPAA into the family of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS) is a phenomenon. The international pastel circles are looking forward to see the different works from the Korean artists and bridging a cross culture exchange in both friendship and art. As a significant start, the artworks from 3 presidents of the world's most recognized pastel societies ( International Association of Pastel Societies, Pastel Society of America and Art du Pastel en France ) are included in this year's annual edition. I ardently believe, their

제33회 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전

participation is sending positive waves among the Korean pastelists and capturing attention from around the globe. There are still many avenues to develop on this international pastel journey. To bring the exquisite Korean artworks to the world, It requires the absolute dedication, courage and challenging the hard work from the Korean artists. I humbly congratulate the KPAA and wishing this exhibition the very best of success.

제33회 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전

Isabelle V. Lim, PSA-MP, IAPS-MC, SPF-MP

2019년 10월

국제파스텔화협회 자문 Isabelle V. Lim

저작권자 © 아트코리아방송 무단전재 및 재배포 금지